While you’re visiting Gustavia, make a stop at this Anglican Church. A peaceful sight, it is named St. Bartholomew’s, and it’s perched
quaintly on the harbor; it’s doors always wide open and welcoming.
The Anglican Church holds its Family Eucharist on Sunday mornings at 9am with a midweek Mass at 12:30pm; there is also a Spirituality Group that meets, midweek, at 11:30am. The services are conducted in English and everyone is welcome,             Gustavia :: St Bartholomew’s Anglican Church          regardless of your practicing denomination.
So while you’re visiting us, don’t hesitate to stop by. Vacations, often meant to relax us, can sometimes be so hectic that a break is nice now and again; even if only for a few moments of peaceful meditayion. Step inside and bow your head for a moment; clear your mind.
Close your eyes and listen to not only the Mass, but take in the sounds of the local choir. Voices of angels if I do say so myself; you will carry their sound with you for days after. And if you look closely, you’ll likely recognize some of the local women from you’re shopping adventures. Never again will you be able to go to Jojo’s and look at the women running the register in the same way…..I guarantee it!